Most Effective and Painless Laser-Assisted Treatment for Pilonidal Sinus

Get the most advanced, effective, and painless permanent laser-assisted treatment for pilonidal sinus in a daycare procedure

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According to the NABH Norms

No Cuts, No Wounds, Painless*

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What is Pilonidal Sinus?

Pilonidal sinus is a small hole or channel under the skin and has pus or inflamed fluid accumulation, which may also contain blood. This happens in the cleft, at the lower back or the top of the buttocks. Pilonidal cyst or the sinus may also have hair or dirt accumulation, which may cause severe pain and foul-smelling pus or bloody discharge.

People with regular sitting jobs are at a high risk of developing pilonidal sinus or cyst. It is more common in men, as compared to women. It happens when the hair at the top of the cleft (of the buttocks) gets pushed inside the body, causing dirt to push inside. The condition gets very painful at this stage. In a lot of cases, pilonidal sinus develops from an abscess.

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    Overview of Pilonidal Sinus

    Causes of Pilonidal Sinus

    Wearing Tight Clothes

    Hair Puncture

    Hormonal changes

    Sitting for long hours


    Symptoms of Pilonidal Sinus

    Pus or blood draining from the abscess, causing a foul odor

    Blood from the opening of the skin

    pain when sitting or standing

    Pain while sitting

    Hair Protruding from the lesion

    Treatment of Pilonidal Sinus


    A proctologist will firstly diagnose the pilonidal sinus by a physical examination. While examining, the doctor may ask you the following questions too.

    • Have you or anyone in your family had the problem before?
    • When did you first notice the symptoms?
    • Do you feel pain while passing stool?
    • Are you taking any medicines for your symptoms right now?


    Surgery is important to drain the pilonidal sinus. Surgery is also recommended if the pilonidal sinus causes pain and infection. At Pristyn Care, pilonidal sinus is treated by laser surgery, In this process, the surgeon makes an ablation in the sinus tract using a laser fiber. The incisions are 1 cm in length at maximum. The tract helps in efficient drainage of the sinus tract and facilitates fast healing of the wound.

    Why Surgicare ?

    Surgicare is COVID-19 safe

    our safety is taken care of by thermal screening, social distancing, sanitized clinics and hospital rooms, sterilized surgical equipment and mandatory PPE kits during surgery.

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    We offer free follow-up consultations and instructions including dietary tips as well as exercises to every patient to ensure they have a smooth recovery to their daily routines.

    Medical Expertise With Technology

    Our surgeons spend a lot of time with you to diagnose your condition. You are assisted in all pre-surgery medical diagnostics. Our procedures are according to the norms of NABH.

    Assisted Surgery Experience

    A dedicated Medical Coordinator assists you throughout the surgery journey from insurance paperwork, to free commute from home to hospital & back and admission-discharge process at the hospital.

    Frequently   Asked Questions

    Some of the symptoms to look out for Pilonidal Sinus are:

    • Formation of a small dimple like structure
    • Large painful mass
    • Watery, purulent discharge from the pilonidal sinus
    • Pain while sitting or a little push due to tight clothing

    Pilonidal sinus is a cyst or a small hole that can appear near the tailbone (just above the natal cleft). The cyst contains pus and is inflamed. Along with the pus, the cyst also contains hair, debris, dirt, and some blood. It often causes the malodorous discharge. The sinus causes itching and excruciating pain.

    In some cases, a pilonidal sinus can heal on its own. But then it can recur and cause other infections also. Hence, it is recommended to undergo laser surgeries that provide permanent relief and it is completely painless.

    Yes, it is absolutely preventive. It can be prevented by keeping the area clean, losing weight if needed or not sitting long without any break. But once developed, it can be treated with surgeries, especially laser-based.

    You should not try to drain the cyst on your own because it increases the chances of infection. Due to the lack of sterile materials, bacteria can enter the wound and cause an infection. Hence, it is better if you get the treatment from a specialist only.

    Pilonidal sinus can be diagnosed with the physical examination of the affected area. There are other tests that can be done if there are complications or if the doctor finds that there are some other causes.

    Yes, it is completely safe to undergo the modern laser-based treatment for Pilonidal Sinus. There are no big cuts or incisions involved and the patient heals faster with minimal pain after the surgery. Within 24-48 hours the person is discharged.

    Recovery time depends upon the patient's condition and it usually varies between 12- 25 days.

    Facts about pilonidal sinus

    • When the pilonidal sinus is left untreated, it may lead to multiple cysts and tracts of the sinus.
    • In severe and rare cases, the chances of developing skin cancer in the cyst are higher.
    • People with excessive, coarse body hair and who sweat a lot are more likely to develop a pilonidal sinus.
    • Males are more likely to develop a pilonidal sinus.
    • Deep natal cleft makes a person more prone to the pilonidal cyst.
    Read More

    What is the best treatment for pilonidal sinus?

    Although symptoms of pilonidal sinus can be managed with home remedies or non-surgical treatments, the results do not go a long way. Medical professionals consider surgery as the best and the most effective treatment for pilonidal sinus. At Pristyn Care, proctologists leverage advanced laser technology to treat pilonidal sinus. The non-invasive surgery is performed as a daycare procedure, and there is no implication of infections or recurrence.

    How to treat pilonidal cyst without surgery?

    Although surgical treatment is the best way to drain the abscess formed in the pilonidal sinus, there are non-surgical regimens to treat pilonidal sinus too. Shaving the sacral area and removing the embedded hair in the sinus or cyst is one of the best non-surgical methods to cure pilonidal sinus. Undergoing laser hair removal techniques can also prevent the cyst from any potential irritations.

    Once the symptoms are managed, you need to follow a few precautions to prevent its recurrence. Apply hot compress such as towel dipped in hot water on the cyst. Wear loose-fit clothes that do not irritate the skin.

    What to expect from pilonidal sinus laser surgery?

    Laser surgery for pilonidal sinus is usually done on an outpatient basis, where the patient is put under the influence of anesthesia. The healthcare provider numbs the surgical area with anesthesia and then makes a tiny incision to drain the pus and debris from the cyst. The surgical area might feel sore after the procedure and as such, it is always beneficial to have someone who can accompany you drive back home. There are no restricted tips to be followed after the surgery. The patient will be provided with antibiotics and recommended a diet chart to be followed until complete recovery, which happens in 4-5 days.

    How long does it take to recover after laser surgery for pilonidal sinus?

    Patients hardly report any complications after the surgery for pilonidal sinus. Laser surgery for pilonidal sinus is comparatively a much safer treatment process and as such the patient’s recovery time also cuts short. However, the recovery time of each case varies from the other depending on factors like how severe the condition of the pilonidal cyst was or if there is any other health condition that could complicate the recovery process.

    Most patients who undergo laser surgery can resume normal activities within a week’s time. During the recovery process, the patient should refrain from consuming any mediation which is not prescribed by the doctor, indulging any strenuous physical activities, or sitting for long hours.

    What happens if the pilonidal sinus is not treated on time?

    Like any other anorectal disease, leaving pilonidal sinus untreated can cause further complications. If the pilonidal sinus is not provided with the necessary treatment, it can create recurrent cysts. Untreated pilonidal sinus can cause swollen pockets of infection and abscesses. In many cases, if the pilonidal sinus is not treated on time, the hair follicles accumulate dirt which further has the potential to form anal infections.

    Know More   About Surgicare ?

    All humans deserve equal treatment but everyone cannot afford costly treatments at multispeciality or super-specialty hospitals.

    In India, many people don’t even have mediclaim to deal with medical emergencies. Also, there is a lack of experienced professionals to consult for a second opinion in case of surgery. Surgicare & ICU is built keeping in view the above points. It offers surgery and post-surgery critical care.

    Surgicare & ICU Hospital is well equipped for all kinds of surgeries and offers one of the best ICU teams of Vadodara to take care of critical patients. It offers help to all those patients who do not have mediclaim but need treatments. Surgicare & ICU offers the opportunity for second opinions.

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