Permanent relief from kidney stones pain

Get relief from excruciating kidney stones disease pain once and for all through modern and advanced treatment.

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According to the NABH Norms

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What are Kidney Stones?

Kidney stones are hard deposits of salt and minerals in the kidneys. These stones usually cause immense pain whenever they move or obstruct the urinary tract. Kidney stones differ in size. While some stones can be a few millimetres in size, others can grow to inches. Kidney stones are quite prevalent and can affect both men and women equally. Kidney stones can be divided into four major types- calcium stones, uric acid stones, struvite stones and cystine stones.

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    Overview of Kidney Stones

    Causes of Kidney Stones

    Lack of water

    Being overweight

    Chronic diarrhea

    High blood sugar

    High animal protein diet

    Family history

    Symptoms of Kidney Stones

    Severe pain below the ribs, in the side and back

    Pain while urinating

    Pink, red or brown colored urine

    Foul smelling urine

    Urinating more than often

    Fever and chills

    Treatment of Kidney Stones


    You should reach out to a urologist as soon as you notice the symptoms of kidney stones. The urologist will discuss your medical history to get a better understanding of your condition. The doctor may perform a physical examination and ask you to undergo some imaging tests for the proper diagnosis of the size and the location of the kidney stones.

    In addition to imaging tests, the doctor may also conduct some blood and urine tests to get a detailed insight into the condition of your kidney stones.


    There are a number of techniques available for the treatment of kidney stones. The modern and effective surgical treatments for kidney stones include laparoscopic treatment, laser treatment and shock wave lithotripsy.

    In laparoscopic treatment for kidney stones, the surgeon makes a small incision in the renal pelvis or the ureter, depending upon the location of the kidney stone. A small laparoscopic device is inserted to get a clearer view of the inside of the urinary tract. The kidney stones are then removed through the incision and the incision is closed with minor stitches. It is a minimally invasive procedure and is performed under the administration of anesthesia, which means it is absolutely painless as well.

    Laser treatment for kidney stones involves the use of laser energy for breaking the stones into small fragments. The surgeon inserts a device called a ureteroscope into the ureter through the urethra. Then the surgeon looks for the kidney stone and once it is found, high-intensity laser energy is aimed at the stone. The laser energy breaks the stones into small pieces, some of which are removed through a small bucket and the rest are flushed out through the urine.

    In shock wave lithotripsy, the doctor uses thousands of shock wave pulses to break the larger stone into smaller pieces. After that, you will be asked to drink a lot of fluids so that the small stone pieces can travel easily through the urinary tract and then eventually get flushed out through the urine.

    Why Surgicare ?

    Surgicare is COVID-19 safe

    our safety is taken care of by thermal screening, social distancing, sanitized clinics and hospital rooms, sterilized surgical equipment and mandatory PPE kits during surgery.

    Post Surgery Care

    We offer free follow-up consultations and instructions including dietary tips as well as exercises to every patient to ensure they have a smooth recovery to their daily routines.

    Medical Expertise With Technology

    Our surgeons spend a lot of time with you to diagnose your condition. You are assisted in all pre-surgery medical diagnostics. Our procedures are according to the norms of NABH.

    Assisted Surgery Experience

    A dedicated Medical Coordinator assists you throughout the surgery journey from insurance paperwork, to free commute from home to hospital & back and admission-discharge process at the hospital.

    Frequently   Asked Questions

    If you are suffering from kidney stones, you can consult with a urologist or a general surgeon. Since kidney stones is a disease associated with the urinary tract, checking with a urologist would be the best decision.

    In recent times, many clinics have come up, where people can avail treatment for kidney stones. One such clinic is Surgicare, where expert and reliable doctors are available for the treatment of all types of kidney stones.

    Once you reach the hospital for kidney stone treatment, the medical staff will begin the admission formalities and suggest if any other tests are needed. Considering you might be in pain, it is better if someone accompanies you to do the formalities. If your pain is moderate, the doctor will check your condition before beginning the surgery. If the pain is extreme, you may be rushed to the operation theatre immediately.

    The cost of kidney stones removal in metro and nearby cities ranges from INR 35,000 to INR 90,000. But the cost is definite throughout the city and varies from one case to another based on factors such as doctor consultation fee, hospital charges, cost of the diagnostic tests, the type of surgery etc.

    The four types of kidney stones surgeries are: 

      • ESWL (Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy) - It uses shock waves to break the kidney stone into small pieces that can move through the urinary tract and pass from the body. 
      • URS (Ureteroscopy) - In this, the ureteroscope is passed through the urethra and into the ureter to remove a stone using laser energy. 
      • RIRS (Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery) - It is a procedure for doing surgery within the kidney using a flexible ureteroscope to remove the upper ureter and small kidney stones. 

    PCNL (Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy) - It is a minimally invasive procedure in which large kidney stones are removed through a small incision in the skin.

    It is quite difficult and inconvenient to pass multiple kidney stones naturally. In such cases, surgical treatment of kidney stones is the best option. With modern treatments like shock wave lithotripsy and laser lithotripsy, you can get rid of multiple kidney stones without any hassle.

    Drinking a lot of water is the key to flushing out kidney stones, as well as preventing new stones from forming. For flushing out kidney stones faster, it is recommended to drink at least 10-12 glasses of water throughout the day.

    Laser treatment for kidney stones is 100% safe. It is a high precision procedure and the risk of complications after the surgery is nil, so you can rely on it without any worries at all.

    If you are a kidney stone patient, you must make sure that you drink a lot of water and other hydrating fluids throughout the day. Eat fiber rich foods and take enough natural Vitamin C in your regular diet. Avoid junk, processed and unhealthy foods. Also, monitor your intake of sodium and oxalates.

    Kidney stones can cause recurrent infections in the urinary tract. Kidney stones can rub against the walls of the urinary tract and make the site more prone to bacterial attack. Also, they can get lodged in any part of the tract and cause a blockage. This can result in obstructed urinary flow and can lead to urinary tract infections frequently.

    Prolonged and untreated kidney stones can damage the kidneys and affect their functioning over time. Urine buildup in the kidneys due to blockage can result in swelling of the kidneys and can cause loss of kidney functioning.

    Facts about Kidney Stones Disease

    1. Kidney stones can be as small as a grain of sand or as big as a golf ball. Some stones can be smooth while others can be snaggy. Some kidney stones can be yellow while some stones can be brown.
    2. Kidney stones are medically known as renal calculi.
    3. It is not necessary that these stones occur only in the kidneys. The stones can develop anywhere in the urinary tract- kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra.
    4. Once you have one kidney stone, you are likely to have more kidney stones.
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    What are the different types of kidney stones Disease?

    The following are the types of kidney stones-

    Calcium Stones

    80 percent of people are diagnosed with calcium kidney stones, making it one of the most common types of kidney stones. These kidney stones can be further categorized into two types- Calcium oxalate- These stones develop when you eat a lot of high-oxalate food such as potato chips, peanuts, chocolate, beets, spinach. Calcium phosphate- These stones develop due to conditions such as hyperparathyroidism or urinary tract infections.

    Uric Acid Stones

    Uric acid stones develop in 5-10 percent of people. The risk of developing this type of kidney stones increases due to the following factors-
    • Overweight or obesity
    • Chronic diarrhea
    • Diabetes, especially Type 2
    • Gout
    • A high animal protein diet
    • Eating fewer fruits and vegetables
    • When uric acid (waste matter) does not dissolve in acidic urine, it crystallizes into these stones.

    Cystine Stones

    These stones develop due to a rare, inherited disorder known as Cystinuria. People suffering from this metabolic disorder have high amounts of cysteine (amino acids) in the urine. These types of stones are more likely to develop in children.

    Infection Stones

    Around 10 percent of people suffer from this type of kidney stones. These stones are also known as struvite. As the name suggests, these stones develop due to urinary tract infections (UTIs). By the time these stones are diagnosed, they are already large enough as they grow very fast. People who suffer from recurring UTIs or face difficulty while emptying their bladder due to neurologic issues are more prone to developing struvites/infection stones.

    What happens in shock wave lithotripsy for kidney stones?

    Shock wave lithotripsy (SWL) is one of the most common treatments for kidney stones. In this procedure, shock waves targeted at the kidney stones break the stones into fragments. The process is also known as Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy. After the stones are broken into tiny pieces or stone dust, it easily passes through urine. SWL involves no incisions but the treatment is done under the influence of anesthesia, so that the patient does not feel any pain. The doctor might even conduct the procedure under light sedation. SWL is performed as a daycare procedure and the patient can head home the same day if there are no other complications. The biggest advantage of SWL is that it can treat kidney stones without any incisions. The hospital stay in the process is very short and the recovery time is much faster.

    What happens in laparoscopic kidney stone surgery?

    In laparoscopic surgery for kidney stones, the surgeon begins by inducing anesthesia to the patient. The surgeon then makes tiny incisions in the patient and inserts a laparoscope through the incisions. The laparoscope guides the surgeon to the kidney stones which are then removed by the surgeon. Laparoscopic surgery for kidney stones is considered to be one of the best treatment for kidney stones due to the following advantages:
    • The patient experiences minimal pain
    • Shortens your hospital stay
    • The patient recovers quickly
    • No risks and complications

    Know More   About Surgicare ?

    All humans deserve equal treatment but everyone cannot afford costly treatments at multispeciality or super-specialty hospitals.

    In India, many people don’t even have mediclaim to deal with medical emergencies. Also, there is a lack of experienced professionals to consult for a second opinion in case of surgery. Surgicare & ICU is built keeping in view the above points. It offers surgery and post-surgery critical care.

    Surgicare & ICU Hospital is well equipped for all kinds of surgeries and offers one of the best ICU teams of Vadodara to take care of critical patients. It offers help to all those patients who do not have mediclaim but need treatments. Surgicare & ICU offers the opportunity for second opinions.

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